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  5. »Caragana

Kansas Forest Service

Kansas Forest Service
2610 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66502

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caraganaCaragana arborescens, or Caragana or Siberian peashrub, is native to Siberia. It is not native in Kansas. 

Mature Size 
Caragana can reach a height of 12 feet on the most favorable sites. 

Growth Rate
Typically, it has a moderate growth rate.

Leaves, Stems and Fruit
Caragana, a legume, has a pod-like fruit which contains many seeds. These ripen in July. The leaves vary from light green to dark green and are alternate and compound with many small leaflets. Somewhat showy, small, yellow flowers bloom in May or June.

Windbreaks - It is recommended for planting in the outer rows of multi-row plantings. It is suitable for planting in single-row field windbreaks where a dense, short barrier is desired.
Wildlife Habitat - It is used for nesting by several songbirds. The seeds are occasionally eaten by a few songbirds. The plant is not a preferred food for browsing animals.

Adaptation and Soil
This plant is marginally adapted to the Kansas summer temperatures and is a winter-hardy, drought-tolerant, long-lived, medium to tall shrub. It can grow well on a wide range of soils, it does not perform well on very droughty sandy soils or wet soils. During the summer months of extremely dry years this species may drop its leaves.

There are no knows serious disease problems. Grasshoppers can defoliate this species during some years but it recovers well from the attacks.