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Kansas Forest Service

Kansas Forest Service
2610 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66502

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David Jackman Jr.Giving to The Kansas Forest Service

The Kansas Forest Service provides for the development, promotion, protection, and conservation of forest resources in Kansas. This includes both rural and community forests.

Although it is one of the nation's oldest forestry agencies, first established in 1887, Kansas Forest Service has grown and adapted to meet the needs of present-day Kansans. Kansas Forest Service has expanded in staff, programs and services offered. With that growth, comes an additional need for financial support.

Supporing our agency helps to conserve the natural resources of our state and especially the forests, woodlands and wildlife that are the focus of our mission. Gifts may take a variety of forms such as David Jackman Jr.’s bequeath of his 950 acre estate that created the Jackman Demonstration Forest.

A gift to the Kansas Forest Service makes a difference in the lives of Kansans and ensures a bright future for Kansas ecosystems and communities. Gifts to the Kansas Forest Service are given through the Kansas State University Foundation.


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Jackman Donation

Wildland Fire


Conservation Donation



Ways to give to the Kansas Forest Service

Private gifts enhance the Kansas Forest Service’s ability to provide important programs to the citizens of Kansas and can take several forms. Gifts to the Kansas Forest Service are given through the Kansas State University Foundation. Expendable Gifts Expendable gifts are those that will be fully spent.

Endowed Gifts

Gifts of $50,000 or more may be endowed,
meaning that the gift is permanently
invested. The earnings on the fund provide
the income for the donor’s designated
purpose. Gifts of $500,000 or more may
qualify for partial income matching through
the Kansas Board of Regents Faculty of
Distinction Program. If you have specific questions about endowment gifts, please contact

Gifts of Cash

Most contributions to Kansas State
University are cash gifts, made by check,
credit card, or wire transfer.

Gifts of Securities

Gifts of appreciated stocks or bonds entitle
a contributor to two income-tax benefits:
an income tax charitable deduction for the
securities’ fair market value on the date of the
gift and the avoidance of capital gains taxes.

Gifts of Real Estate

The outright gift of a parcel of appreciated
land or other real estate is a method that
may offer considerable tax savings.
Retained Right to Use Real Estate
A provision in the federal tax law permits
a donor to transfer ownership of a personal
residence or farm to the Kansas Forest
Service through the foundation and retain
the full use of the property while receiving
a current income tax deduction.


All bequests should be made to the Kansas
State University Foundation. The donor can
then designate the Kansas Forest Service.
Notification of future bequests enables the
foundation to consider these expectancies
in long-range planning for gift support.

Matching Gifts

Many corporations match their employees’
gifts with an equal or greater corporate
contribution. Information on gift matching
is available through a company’s human
resources department.

Testamentary Charitable Remainder Gift

A charitable bequest can be arranged to
provide income for a selected beneficiary
(i.e., nephew, niece, friend), and support
the Kansas Forest Service in the future by
directing that the bequest establish a charitable remainder annuity trust, a unitrust,
or a charitable gift annuity. The named
beneficiary may receive income from the
trust for life, or for a specified number of
years. When the trust is terminated, the
principal will pass to the Kansas Forest
Service through the Kansas State University
Foundation. In addition to the personal
satisfaction of making a philanthropic gift,
the estate will receive a charitable tax
deduction, reducing estate settlement costs.

Donor-Advised Fund

A donor-advised fund is a convenient way
for a donor to simplify charitable giving
and take advantage of tax savings at the
same time. Donor-advised funds are viewed
by many as an alternative to establishing
a private foundation. This fund allows the
donor to open a philanthropic account
by making a tax-deductible donation to
the Kansas State University Charitable
Gift Fund. Grants are made at the donor’s
recommendation. The initial contribution
may be in the form of cash or appreciated
stock. For those who want to give money
now but wait to decide where it will be
distributed, this may be a good tool.


Gifts such as art, book collections,
equipment and furnishings that further the
mission of the Kansas Forest Service may
be donated. Feasibility of acceptance by
the university should be determined in
advance of the gift.

Gifts of Retirement Plan Assets

Retirement plan assets offer another taxefficient way to make a generous gift. The
account can pass directly to the Kansas
Forest Service as the primary beneficiary,
or it can be transferred to a deferred giving
arrangement that will pay an income for
life to a family member, after which the
remaining assets pass to the Kansas
Forest Service.

Gifts of Life Insurance

When properly arranged, life insurance
offers an attractive way to benefit the
Kansas Forest Service.



Kansas Forest Service:Making a Difference


Please contact us if you have further questions about a donation to Kansas Forest Service!