  1. Kansas Forest Service
  2. »Conservation Trees

Kansas Forest Service

Kansas Forest Service
2610 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66502

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Conservation Tree Planting Program

The Kansas Forest Service’s Conservation Tree Planting Program offers tree and shrub seedlings, as well as other items for use in conservation plantings. Plantings may function as wildlife habitat, windbreaks, wood lots, timber plantations, or educational and riparian (streambank) plantings.

Ordering Options:
  • Online:
    • Our ordering website will allow you to place an order using MasterCard, VISA, or Discover. We recommend online ordering for quickest processing.



  • Phone:
    • Call Toll Free: 1-888-740-8733
    • Telephone orders accepted using VISA, MasterCard, or Discover.

NOTE: Beginning in the fall of 2022, mail orders will no longer be accepted. Only online orders or orders by phone will be processed. You may still mail your check or money order but this payment must accompany a phone order.

Checks can be made payable to Kansas Forest Service:

                    Kansas Forest Service
                    2610 Claflin Road
                    Manhattan, KS 66502

Claims and Cancellations

All sales are final. No guarantee of survival after shipment or delivery is made. The plants are guaranteed to be the species and quantities ordered, fresh, and capable of growing. Claims must be made within 7 days of receiving the plants. No refunds less than $5. The Kansas Forest Service does not warranty the survival of the plants and is not responsible for economic loss by the customer.

Spring Sale
The spring distribution offers both bare root and container-grown seedlings for sale. Orders are accepted January 5 through May 1. Orders are shipped or picked up beginning in Mid-March.

Fall Sale
The fall distribution offers only container-grown seedlings and orders are accepted from August 30th-October 15th, 2024.