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  4. »Blaine Stroble

Kansas Forest Service

Kansas Forest Service
2610 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66502

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Blaine Stroble

Northeast District Community Forester

Blaine Stroble began the role of Northeast District Community Forester in January 2024. His primary duties are to provide technical assistance, education and training to tree boards, city departments and other interested individuals who care for and manage the public tree resource in 28 counties of Northeast Kansas. He works with more than 50 communities who participate in the Tree City USA program and assists in local program development.


Born and raised in Manhattan, Kansas he received a  bachelor’s degree in wildlife and outdoor enterprise management, through Kansas State University in fall of 2021. His professional career consists of more than 10 years in the horticulture maintenance industry. He is looking forward to using his skills in the green industry as well as his admiration for conservation to help communities throughout the northeast district by providing technical assistance throughout their public green spaces.

Blaine stayed close to his roots and currently lives in the beautiful community of Manhattan. As a very avid outdoorsman he takes any opportunity he can to get in the woods. Whether it be chasing elk in the mountains of Colorado, watching ducks at first light in a flint hills marsh, or patiently waiting high in a hardwood for a mature Kansas whitetail to walk below, chances are, work or play you will find him in a beautiful Kansas forest!